Screw. Google. Discover How To Take Your Rightful Place At The Top!


Tired Of Losing The Google Battle?
Discover My 5 Powerful Techniques For Dominating The Rankings For Any Search Term

You'll Be Amazed How Easy This Is... 


Leopard Seal SEO
1) Leopard Seal SEO is a powerful, no-fluff, straight to the point, actionable SEO guide.

2) The techniques you will learn are largely evergreen, meaning you will be pony/cow/snake/whatever update proof from here on out.

3) Your sites belong on page 1 and Leopard Seal SEO is your "map" to get them there.

Leopard Seal SEO is exactly what you need if you want to attain top rankings and free search engine traffic (it's still out there.)
In This Powerful Guide...

…We’ll blast the myths surrounding the Penguin update, and give you some straight talk on the subject.

As a purchaser of Leopard Seal SEO, you’ll finally discover the definitive answer to these pressing questions…

Is on-site optimization still important? (Page 8)

How do I get real data on what’s actually working …before trying it my own sites? (page 18)

What Are The 5 Penguin Adaptions you must be using now ( page 6)

The Ten Additional Methods that still work on ‘New’ Google (page 14)

“But Jon’ you may be thinking, “if this works, why not keep it to yourself?”

Short answer is there’s no reason for me to keep this all for myself. With the niches my sites are in, I’m not going to be in direct competition with anyone here on the forum.

And lets not forget who the real enemy is here (Hint: Starts with a G, ends with a e). There is room enough for everyone to take their place atop the search rankings.

And that means you get to benefit from all the time and money I’ve spend figuring out exactly how the Penguin has changed SEO (and how it hasn’t.)

However, if you are not willing to make the necessary changes to dominate the rankings in "New Google", this course won't be for you.

Some of the tactics will seem weird or counter-intuitive to you, but they work like gangbusters and will propel your site to the top of the rankings when you take action.

You’ll want to read the rest of this letter carefully…before you do one single thing more to your money sites.



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